Monday, July 18, 2022

What is Expected Life Expectancy of Home Appliances?

Wondering how long will your home appliances last? Of course, we all know that this heavily depends on the price of the appliance, but this is not a rule that you should follow, more of a guide line, as you can really find high quality, lesser known brand products that will outlast big brand names! Also, simple cheat is just to look at the manufacturer’s warranty period and be sure it’s at least than many years/months. But let’s see what we found out in our research…

home appliances repair

Usually, it’s easy to predict life expectancy of the house exteriors, but it’s not all that simple with home appliances. All major home appliances have different configurations, functions, and features. While you can always ask your seller about this but it doesn’t always turn out to be the exact time. Also, when we say “life expectancy” we don’t actually mean that the product will stop working and be for trash, we mean that at that point it might start braking (usually, repairable brakes). We have done some research and got the answers to this question. So, let’s take a look at the four commonly used home appliances and their life span.

Air Fryers

Air Fryer

Today people are looking for means to induce wellness products in their day-to-day life. Healthy ingredients aren’t enough. Cooking is also a great factor that defines people’s health and well-being. On that note, home appliances like air fryers come in handy. Using innovative technology, air fryers turn your fried food into a healthy food.

If you have air fryer at home or thinking of buying one, you would like to know it’s life span. The simple answer would be - depending on how you use it. Air fryers, typically, last for an average of 2-5 years. Usually, it’s 2-3 years if you’re using it quite frequently, like every day. But it can go for a few more years if used occasionally. Besides, a high-quality one would last much longer than budget ones…but do keep in mind that price doesn’t always equals quality! You can often find small brand names (such as ACEKOOL) are much cheaper while offering high quality product (big brands invest a lot of money in marketing and design, and that is something smaller brands save money on, so the product can have better price).


Vacuum Cleaner

Design of regular vacuum cleaner is so simple that there are no many parts that can brake…there is a motor, buttons and that’s about it. For cordless and robotic vacuum cleaners there are more electronics involved, so more things can go wrong...but luckily, they are usually built with more quality materials and in general they will last at least as regular vacuum cleaner.  As for any other appliance, the life expectancy of vacuum cleaners depends on their quality and frequency of usage, as noted by many users. According to some consumer reports, a vacuum cleaner can last up to 8 years with average weekly use. Obviously, not all will last that long but on average, it can go on a median of 8 years. With vacuum cleaner, you can consider buying a cheaper one as the technology behind it is simple and it will probably last long enough for you to say it was worth the money.


Washer & Dryer

Another common home appliance that probably has become the most needful one is a washing machine and/or washer-dryer. Today, washer machine is an essential home appliance and every home has one. While this home appliance has become a boon for most of us, it also ensures that even lower-income groups can afford it. Besides, washer-dryers today are available at different price ranges. And with such price variants, the quality and durability of the appliance vary as well. So, the life expectancy of the washer-dryer also depends on its quality, and in their case, maybe more than other appliances.

Nevertheless, any washer-dryer you take, should last at least 8-10 years. It can go on longer than that but there are high chances of machine starting to make “weird” sounds. Besides, the life span of the washer-dryer varies according to its type. While the top load washer lasts a little longer than the front load one, the semi-automatic washer’s life span is ambiguous. Some users have reported that the washer-dryer can also run up to 11 years as well. So, whatever model or type you have, just make sure you leave no stone unturned to maintain it. And if you are buying a new one, then opting for a quality top-load one would save a lot from your wallet in the longer run.

 Air Purifiers

Air Purifier

Off late one home appliance that is stealing a lot of attention, is Air Purifier. With increasing pollution, even inside the house, air purifiers come as a quick and safe resort to clean the air inside your home. The current market has a lot of options on air purifiers with variance in HEPA filters, size, and more. But how long these air purifiers will last is the question we want to ask here.

On average, air purifiers will last around 5 years if maintained properly. And in case, your home has a lot of pollutants and particulate matter, then it’s safe to say around years. Of course, this doesn’t mean it will break and stop working, but you will have to change some parts or take it to the service. The carbon filters in the air purifiers have a life span of 3-5 years. So, whichever be the model, just make sure that you read its manual to maintain it and manage its life span.


Home appliances’ life expectancy depends on a lot of factors but the best we can suggest is that you maintain it properly and handle it with care. Also, if budget isn’t a roadblock for you, you can opt for quality home appliances! But we can always suggest to do a research and find small brands that offer best value for money home appliances.

----This blog is sourced from:

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